Monthly Archives: January 2009

I debated for a while if I should share this (though most of you probably can’t read it). I always tear up when I read it. Dear Tiffany, 今天花了差不多二小時看完你的網頁 (有很多生字還未查字典,所以要靠估) 才知道你去挪威的旅途上遇到那麼多阻礙 多謝老天爺的保佑你終於可以平安到達 又知道你這幾天認識了不少新朋友 本來埋怨為什麼不遲幾天才起程 但回心一想這也是值得的 因為開課後大家都會很忙 或者沒有那麼多時間來溝通 朋友間的話題可以很廣闊 但涉及宗教政治、極端主意思想的話題時 便要很小心去處理和回答 因為大家還不大認識對方 希望你像一條經得起風浪的小船 今天離開避風塘到外面的海洋遊歷 更希望你能滿載著寶貴的知識、豐富的經歷 和愉快的回憶回來 雖然我再不能幫你煮食、洗衣、做家務 來節省你讀書和休息的時間 但你要小心照顧自己的健康,注意飲食和休息 爸爸和我永遠都會支持你 永遠都是你最忠實的 Fans 如果小船需要補給糧餉、外面遇到翻大風浪 或者維修再整裝待發 歡迎小船任何時候回航 爸爸和我在避風塘等你和祝福你 Love you and miss you so much Mom Mom, Dad…because of you, I can do anything.

January 18, 2009

We watched a movie and talked until late in the night on Saturday… it was hard to get up for the walk on Sunday :P but I did. The other two lazy bums couldn’t get up…:P but M (from my class) and I had a really nice walk to the large lake near the school. The lake was all frozen so we spent lots of time playing on the ice….writing names, building a snow octopus, falling down, making turns. Lots […]

January 17, 2009

Went to Oslo today with D, M, and L. (D and M are from France…J introduced us :) Unfortunately, J over slept and we didn’t manage to meet up in Oslo….he apparently went on his own and didn’t find Oslo very interesting…. I thought Oslo looked beautiful. Definitely didn’t have enough time to the weather wasn’t super nice. Pictures will be up on facebook. (Words are patient…Austrian saying….= procrastination :P) We had lunch at a kebab place in Grønland, […]

January 15, 2009

I went to the student pub/dance place samfunnet (silent t) for the second time…this time it was a big event….”erotic night”. no…most people don’t dress up, neither did I…but some people went waaay over board…it was very interesting seeing people (mostly norwegians) get reaaally reaaally drunk and then go to the dance floor. One beer was enough to get my head buzzing a little…so I was in my own little bubble on the dance floor. Everyone keeps complaining about how […]

January 12, 2009

A’s birthday today!! Lauren bought some cake mix and she and I made a chocolate cake for A. We went over to his place…and he cooked up a storm. His roommate (Ju) was baking a chocolate brownie cake from a cake mix too :P His room mates (A, H, and Ju) all gathered with us and celebrated his 27th birthday. It was really fun :) lots of jokes and laughter. His room mates are all norwegians too…soooo friendly. H keeps […]

January 10, 2009

<!– @page { size: 21.59cm 27.94cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } –> 6 hour hike/walk (to and back)!!!! to a beautiful seaside town called Drøbak I went with J and Y, unfortunately L couldn’t come due to pain in her hip…. walking there, I kept taking so many photos because everywhere you look, everything is so beautiful. Especially today, everywhere was mist, so it seemed all the more magical. We didn’t see the sun peek out until […]

January 9, 2009

We had our presentations today…seriously, the students in this class are either not putting much effort in, or they really don’t have much presentation skills. It’s really hard to believe this is a master’s level course…I mean the things we are learning are great…but the effort people put in is really minimal. Sometimes I feel like the classes drag on for way too long. L and I both agreed that some of the topics could have been taught in half […]

Four Harsh Truths about Climate Change – Gwynne Dyer

to see full article: ….. Food is the key issue, and world food supply is already very tight: we have eaten up about two-thirds of the world grain reserve in the past five years, leaving only 50 days’ worth in store. Even a one degree C (1.8 degrees F) rise in average global temperature will take a major bite out of food production in almost all the countries that are closer to the equator than to the poles, and […]

January 7, 2009

I haven’t been able to write everyday since school started. A one month course is really intense…we have at least 3 hours of class each day…plus 2 hours of discussion groups sometimes. Everyone tried to assure us that a masters course and a bachelors course in Europe is about the same level of difficulty…but this course is definitely more intensive than what I’m used to. The readings are longer…and we have a group project due in 3 days from starting..@_@ […]

photos so far

I’m just going to upload my photos to my flickr account…and link a few to here. my room…the best thing to wake up to every morning a skating pond near the school. looks so fun… one of the nearby farms first big dinner we made If you would like to see more, please go to:

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