Kampala pours (rain): banana leaves, plastic bags

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I never really experienced the rainy season in Kampala before I left. I suspect I will when I return for a few days at the end of November. Although for a few days, the skies just suddenly opened up and poured. And I really mean Pour, with a capital P. Without any notice, buckets can fall from the cloudy skies for half an hour and then just as suddenly stop. The local raincoat/umbrella? Discarded plastic bags (everywhere) and broad banana leaves (almost everywhere).

Well, it’s a tropical country, what did you expect? Red mud splattered feet and tiny rivers roaring down the many hills. Some places get completely flooded (like Bwaise, the slum we worked at), up to the knees because there’s really no drainage system. It’s not a coincidence that prestigious places (the university, religious structures, rich people’s houses) are all on hills.

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