Reposted: Hello at Terry

I’m officially a Terry blogger! This is like the cool kids of the blogging world :P

First post:

Habari za leo? How are you today?

Safi sana! Everything is great!

No conversation, no matter how urgent, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania starts without a greeting. So here I am, greeting you.

My name’s Tiffany. I’m a graduate from the Global Resource Systems program at UBC. Loyal Terry followers may remember me from the first Terry talks in 2008 (back then, it wasn’t TEDx yet! Phew, I feel old) about urban agriculture.

A few exciting years have passed with me living in Norway, Uganda, and Tanzania for exchange through Go Global and working with the UBC Dollar Project (we’re going to be at TEDx Terry talks this year!). Now, I’m back in Tanzania (in the big city this time) working for a Vancouver based organization called Sustainable Cities partnered with a Tanzanian organization called the Kesho Trust.


To see the rest, please go to:

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