Ode to the cassava plant
I just had my favourite vegetable for lunch – kisamvu (cassava leaves).
Plus maharage (beans) and ndizi moshi (bananas cooked Moshi style – Moshi is a region in northern Tanzania). Mmmm….I wish they had kisamvu more often.
I also love how when they do serve it, they’re always worried that I won’t like it. Little do they know that it’s my favourite. It has such an indescribable taste…I swear they put some kind of special spice.
I’m starting to think the cassava plant is pretty awesome:
1) it’s usually an insurance crop, meaning that people plant it in case of drought or failed harvest because it can stay in the ground for many years and harvested at any time.
2) “Cassava is the third-largest source of carbohydrates for meals in the world.” – Wikipedia
3) the root-part is so tasty grilled with a little pili pili (hot pepper sauce)
4) the leaves are so good cooked!
5) I think it looks pretty too.
Did you know that the tapioca balls in your bubble tea is actually made from cassava flour? So don’t say you haven’t tried cassava before (well that is if you like bubble tea as much as I do :)
** as an aside, apparently cassava isn’t common in Zimbabwe. They rarely eat the roots and never the leaves**
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