Monthly Archives: March 2011

I’m not really sure how life outside of work will be for the next few months. Tororo is an amazingly small place. And the people I know currently don’t seem to have a lot of friends outside of work, so the knowing people through other people kind of thing doesn’t work… Not really sure. Maybe I just won’t have a life outside of work. Maybe I would just spend my time here hermitting – reading, meditating, thinking, writing, walking. It […]

New Job

If you’ve been following my posts for the last while, you may know that I’ve taken up a new job. It has been exactly two weeks since I’ve started. I’m not going to give away specific details about which organization I work with or the partner organizations because I don’t want to censor what I write. But in general, I like to explain my work as a microfinancing scheme with a twist for small holder farmers. We’re basically a facilitator […]

Quick update

Work has been crazy the last week and a half. I haven’t even moved into my new place yet, let alone have enough time to set up anything necessary for life (I didn’t get time to buy shampoo or toothpaste for a week – remind me to never wash my hair with bar soap again). I’ve barely been off work earlier than 10 pm these past days. So not much internet and definitely no time to blog. This new work […]


I’ve arrived safe and sound, but very tired, to Tororo, Uganda. Very intense two days – one for sitting in a car for almost 12 hours and the other for long explosive meetings. I’ve jumped right into the mess of things and I hope my job will turn out well! More once I really get settled.

Work Day 1: Nairobi

I met important people linked to my upcoming work today. I arrived in Nairobi after a really stressful day of goodbyes, packing, not enough sleep, airports, and getting laughed at by the Kenyan customs officer (for asking if I could get in without a visa because I am technically still a Tanzanian resident – all East African residents don’t need a visa to travel). I got picked up at the airport and went straight to the office to meet various […]


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I was chatting with my replacement intern the other day. Lots of progress for the big stakeholder meeting we’ve been trying to organize since last December. They had made lots of good connections with big organizations, some of which might even be interested in funding our activities. It sounds like lots have happened just in the one week I’ve been gone. I couldn’t help but feel a bit left out, a bit jealous (?), and a bit unwilling to consciously […]

It was so hard to say good bye today at my old office. It was such a nice place, with the perfect combination of people.

Moving, again.

I’m moving to eastern Uganda tomorrow for a new job. Very excited. Very nervous. Very sad to be leaving everyone and everything Dar. I actually had a choice to stay in Dar with an organization that I felt I could learn a lot from. Ultimately, though, I chose to move despite all the contrary feelings because, rationally, this new job sounded more in tune with what I was seeking. I still don’t know if this is the right choice. No […]


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