Monthly Archives: March 2011

Urban Agriculture In Lusaka, Zambia

My first published paper in a peer-reviewed undergraduate journal: the Canadian Undergraduate Journal of Development Studies, also known as Undercurrent (Fall/Winter 2010, Volume 7, issue 3, p. 36-43) From Colonialism To Modernism To Postcolonialism: The Case of Urban Agriculture In Lusaka, Zambia By Tiffany Tong ABSTRACT – While urban agriculture is garnering much attention as an essential and beneficial practice, there is still strong, sometimes seemingly illogical, resistance to its promotion in cities. Through studying the case of Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, this paper […]

High wages and efficiency

I was talking to my roommate about how expensive it is to do things here if we used Canadian wages. For example, at the office we need to take letters of invitation to the offices we work with personally because there are no cheap courier services or a culture of using email for communication. For a formal meeting where I have to deliver letters to 4 or 5 offices, it would take me almost a whole day of work. That, […]

Last farmer meeting

My organization organized a farmer consultative meeting for urban agriculture legitimization today. It was also my last meeting as project officer here. Good energy, lots of discussions, constructive dialogue between government agriculture people and the farmers. The feedback about the strategic plans will be presented at the bigger stakeholder meeting coming up soon. I actually didn’t think this meeting would happen when my two supervisors and I discussed it three months ago. It was too risky. It could have been […]

Almost all my friends got good news about their jobs recently :) It’s a happy night.

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