Another boring post about how tired I am

I’m so thoroughly tired today, in so many ways.

Woke up at 5 am to see the Canadian election results. Thoroughly disappointed. I’m afraid I’ll have to stop calling myself Canadian for at least another 4 years.

Took taxi (matatu/public buses) to Mbale. Already late because the taxi took forever to fill up and kept stopping every 5 minutes. Got on bodaboda (motorcycle with driver for hire) to go another 45 minutes. Got caught in the rain and had to wait half an hour. Very wet. The driver started complaining and being annoying about me giving him more money. I knew I was already paying a bit more than the actual price and I told him that. He wouldn’t stop talking. One of my biggest pet peeves – if we agree on a price, we agree on a price. Don’t make me annoyed. I finally said just leave me here and I’ll catch a taxi. He shut up. He still tried to ask once I got off. I was angry enough to slap him, not least because I was already an hour late.

Fortunately, the field visit went really well. The farmers are mostly doing great! Very happy.

By the end of the day, it started raining again. Soaked, again. Brrr….it’s actually cold now when it rains.

Tried to catch taxi back to Mbale. Three of them passed without an empty seat.

Bought roasted maize (so good!) but the guy cheated me and it turns out it was only half a cob of maize…oh well, I didn’t want any more any ways.

Taxi took forever to depart Mbale. Sat next to a huge mama who took up all my space. The taxi felt like it had never heard of the word “suspension” before, on a road that was 50% potholes, in pitch dark. My brain felt like it was literally pounded to mush by all the potholes. Then the taxi got a flat tyre. Great.

Got call from colleague, who was stuck in the field and might come back really late. She might have to stay over at my place. Which of course I said OK. I even volunteered to get her dinner. Not knowing that I would arrive too late to buy anything from the restaurants.

Got into my town. Got cat called by all the drunk boda drivers (of course, as usual).

Got home. Tons of emails. Supervisors coming in two days.

Eat (no appetite), shower, write blog to de-stress.

Wait for colleague to arrive (?)…

Ugandan gospel music on full blast outside my window. I guess I should be happy the usual blaring theatre sounds aren’t happening tonight?

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