Finally, home.

I finally started cooking at home again. It’s such a satisfying feeling.

On Sunday, I went shopping at the local market with the girl, Lucy, who helps clean my house, wash my clothes, and used to bring me food everyday (I sound like I’m 10 years old now). I bought all kinds of veggies, green bananas (matooke), beans, and corn flour (posho/ugali).

I also bought two aluminium pots, although I already have 5 different pots and 3 pans at home because Lucy insisted. Lucy didn’t seem to understand that those ceramic pots wouldn’t break if we heat them up. I don’t think she knows that non-stick pans shouldn’t be scratched either. The non-stick pan at the other house has obviously been scrubbed clean. I don’t want to think that I ate many meals made from that pan…

We came home and she taught me how to peel and cook matooke (green bananas that are like plantains. I don’t know if they’re plantains or not, but I love them). Then she left because the rain was coming. I happily threw together a pot of stew with tomatoes, eggplants, and onions. Seasoned only with salt, as I had nothing else. It was delicious in a way that only a self home cooked meal could be like.

I cooked again this evening also. I got caught in the rain coming back so I couldn’t go buy new ingredients. Beans, tomato, and eggplant stew it is. And a side dish of pan grilled eggplant with just the right amount of salt.

I haven’t felt more at home since I’ve arrived.
