Monthly Archives: May 2011

I was chatting with my parents (after a long break) yesterday online. I mentioned that I had started looking at graduate studies scholarships because now’s the time to start applying if I want to be in school in 1 to 1.5 years. I said that there’s no way I’m going to go to graduate school without a scholarship. I can’t afford the debt. Plus, if they don’t give me money, it means they aren’t interested enough in my contributions. My […]

Another boring post about how tired I am

I’m so thoroughly tired today, in so many ways. Woke up at 5 am to see the Canadian election results. Thoroughly disappointed. I’m afraid I’ll have to stop calling myself Canadian for at least another 4 years. Took taxi (matatu/public buses) to Mbale. Already late because the taxi took forever to fill up and kept stopping every 5 minutes. Got on bodaboda (motorcycle with driver for hire) to go another 45 minutes. Got caught in the rain and had to […]

I’m so nervous about the results from the Canadian elections today. I think if Stephen Harper gets re-elected, I will stop saying I’m Canadian. And maybe not return until a new leader is in place. I’m not kidding, I can barely concentrate on work! (Well it doesn’t help that I’m writing reports, which I don’t fancy much.) I would be frantically checking updates online tomorrow morning!

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