Monthly Archives: February 2012

Life Lesson #536

Here’s a short and sweet one I keep telling myself over the last few years: “If the world were to end tomorrow, I would want to say ‘at least I did my best,’ not ‘I wish I’d tried harder.” *** I have a habit of reading most of the notices on the walls at UBC. I’m one of those strange students that stand in front of notice boards for 5 minutes at a time reading every poster or announcement or […]

SCI Youth Intern Profiles 2011

I was profiled on Sustainable Cities International’s website as one of their youth interns, as part of their United Nations International Youth Day celebrations. Thank you SCI!

Food for All: A Conference on Poverty and Global Food Security

In October 2011, I was one of the primary speakers at a conference – Food for All: A Conference on Poverty and Global Food Security – at UBC. It was an amazing day filled with energy and inspiring people making a difference for our food security. I shared my experiences working as an urban agriculture project officer in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania with Sustainable Cities International. The conference organizers promised to have videos of our talks out soon. I will post […]

Faculty of Land and Food Systems Annual Report

I was featured in my faculty‘s annual report last year! Open publication – Free publishing (Please click on the “Open publication” link, as there is some problem with the embedding. Thank you!)

A reminder

I just had a very heartfelt talk with my mom. She had finished watching a long-running Hong Kong TV show which focuses on stories of Chinese people who live around the world in unexpected places or professions. Usually the stories are of the tear-jerking variety about the hardships of living abroad in developing countries. This particular episode featured a mom who moved to Costa Rica from a normal life in Hong Kong to help her daughter run a restaurant business […]

Immigration experience and public space

I was reading a short, interesting article about Filipina Immigrant Girls’ Lived Experience in Japan. Then I realised I was most interested in the mentioning of (emphasis mine): “Most scholars focus on how immigrant youth are victimized by an assimilationist-oriented education system…But this focus allows only a small glimpse of their lived experience. Yes, these teenage Filipino youth often struggle in their new homes and schools. Yet, a broader view of their experience reveals their human agency, possibilities, and how […]

Life lessons #524

You know how sometimes you’ve been told a certain teaching or experience, yet you don’t really understand until one day you were put into a similar situation? Or sometimes you thought you understood something intellectually or ‘rationally,’ yet it doesn’t really resonate within you until you’ve actually experienced it? I think those are called life lessons. No matter how much you are willing to try to listen or to rationalize or to emphasize, you have to be in someone’s shoes […]

Here’s a pick-me-up post: Reminder why I want to work in something meaningful, big or small: And something a friend mentioned recently: “Things are going tough, but I’m tougher.” It’s good to look back at what I’ve posted in the past to remind myself why I chose the way I live.

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