Monthly Archives: May 2012

Taxing garbage

What would happen if we put a really high tax on garbage. Not recyclables, not reusables, not composted organics, but garbage that is burnt or taken to landfills. “Waste.” If we had a significantly high enough tax on garbage produced, then there is a very big incentive to 1) produce things that can be reconfigured into a resource input at the end of its life cycle, and 2) figure out ways to make sure current garbage is reused. Add on […]

A friend recently told me… We all struggle with each other. We all love each other. We all struggle to love each other. Everything we have, we make from scratch. Every new person, a new round of negotiations. Social norms? No one follows them anyways. We make from scratch. *** I thought it was worth remembering in my personal and professional life.

Job advice from others

Really good post and link resources on careers in international/humanitarian development: (copied completely incase of broken links) Guide to Careers in International Affairs (Including Review of Top Job Sites) Finding the right job in conflict resolution, international development and related fields requires a combination of the right experience and training, an understanding of the field, developing strong connections and a bit of serendipity. In addition to academic and/or professional training, it is essential to have an understanding of how […]

this morning.

Dala dala waiting, as usual in the morning . Lots of people, obviously the bus hadn’t come for a while. Not good. Running late. Should I take a bajaji? A taxi? Ah, but I’ve been using so much for transport recently. Really should go get a bike soon. There’s a lot of stuff I should do soon. Stream of consciousness while tapping my foot and willing the dala dala to come soon. And not be so crowded. My body was […]

Don’t tell me it’s culture

I’m really wary about using culture to explain social phenomena. It’s not because I don’t believe there are social norms, or trends, or identities. There are. They exist, and have huge influences on how individuals and collectives act. But it’s because “culture” has a much more permanent connotation than the other terms I’ve listed. Norms change every few decades. Trends every few years. Even identities are starting to be recognized as being fluid. Culture, though? Always, unchanging, eternal fall back for an explanation […]

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