Monthly Archives: November 2012

Improvised sticky date pudding

I haven’t written a recipe post for a while, but this one was too good to pass up. While my experiments in the kitchen don’t always turn out, I’m pretty happy this time. I don’t like measuring usually and now that I don’t have a measuring cup, I basically guess everything. So please don’t ask for exact measurements. I was tempted to try to make a sticky date pudding since I had just bought a huge pack of dates – […]

Mzee mlemavu and the daladala this morning

Sat in one of the front seats of the daladala today. After pulling to a stop at the curb, the driver turns around and asks me to move over to leave the aisle seat open. Twisting my head, I saw that the conductor was helping an mzee with a wheelchair onto the bus. I scooted over. The mzee climbed onto the seat next to me, I smiled and said shikamoo. We exchanged greetings and I turned back towards gazing out […]


Today, I missed winter…and home. Thick winter trench coats. With pockets stretched out from jamming my hands inside in weak attempts to keep out the chilly air. Hand knitted scarves from high school. Warm and familiar yarn lovingly chosen as a birthday present. Fake leather boots that go up to my knee. Bought for the comfort of walking around a huge campus in the constant four month rains of Vancouver. Never worked anyways. Smells of pumpkin spice lattes wafting from […]

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