Monthly Archives: April 2014

A book and One Acre Fund

I finished the book The Last Hunger Season: A Year in an African Farm Community on the Brink of Change  recently, by recommendation from a friend. It’s about the story of the social enterprise One Acre Fund. I’ve been interested in their methods and approach and was looking into working with them. The book came at just the right time and brought back a flood of memories from Uganda. All the farms and farmers and maize and bean and soya seems long […]

Confidence gap and actions

Confidence and action – those seem to be the keywords of the modern age. While reflection before action might be, unfortunately, becoming passe, the current reality is that you have to be able to stand up in a room to be heard. I read an article called The Confidence Gap from The Atlantic and have been thinking a lot recently about how the vicious circle of less confidence leading to less credibility and thus back to less confidence disadvantages women. […]

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