Monthly Archives: May 2014

I woke up mouth dry and heart pounding from a nightmare last night. It felt like a dream of a horrible prophecy directed at my dear ones. My immediate action was to reach for my phone to see if Mom was online. She wasn’t so I messaged her. She replied shortly after and I called her immediately. She reassured me that nothing was wrong. Then, still shaky and unable to fall asleep, I used my phone to keep myself occupied […]

Domestic violence

I had a long and deep conversation with a good friend about domestic violence. Women, no matter how educated, strong, financially independent, still seem to, for one reason or another, succumb to verbalĀ and physical violence from their male partners. We both had plenty of examples from friends we knew and personal experience. The stories were truly heart breaking. I don’t know what it is. But it has to stop. It’s one thing to be financially dependent, illiterate, and have to […]

Without focus, nothing’s good

Got some great advice the other day: Focus, focus, focus. Focus on what you’re trying to do, and make it the best. Don’t compensate by adding other features and in the end making everything half-ass.

youth and jobs and sacrifices

We were interviewing some youth about employment in low skill/blue collar sectors the other day. Stories of having to pay 1/3 to 1/2 of your monthly salary just to get/keep a job. Stories of having to prostitute yourself just to get a job. Other than for the evil middle management that perpetrates these crimes, I can’t see any owner of any major company being happy about the conditions their workers have to face. The salary you give them is basically […]

Exhaustedly optimistic. One of the best feelings to have.   When life becomes too boring at some points, it’s good to remember this feeling.  

I’m involved in a new project these days, aside from my formal work. It’s making life more interesting because there’s a very concrete problem to be solved that needs to combine market research, demand confirmation, and technology. I intuitively have a good feeling about this project. And I think it came at just the right timing, which means it must be fate. Dar always seems to find the right things to pull me back just when I’m about to leave.

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