Monthly Archives: April 2016

Today’s small wins

Tried to film outdoors and was thwarted by a cloud (literally) of tiny mosquitos that gave me over 100 bites within 30 minutes. So I was forced to improvise on filming indoors. Didn’t turn out too bad actually. As always, one can prepare, but it’s hard to foresee everything. Flexibility is the key. Also, bug spray. My website had a small glitch I’ve been trying to figure out for almost 2 weeks now. Finally figured it out by adding a […]


Today, I made a decision. Recently I got a first round interview with an organization I’ve been idolizing for the last few years. I didn’t present myself as well as I could have and lost the opportunity. It was a great learning opportunity nonetheless. On the other hand, it made me think that I really should choose and focus on one thing at a time. I’ve been flip flopping about whether I wanted to take another venture under my wing […]

Scientific Method

I came across a fascinating article, titled “How the Average Triumphed Over the Median”, about why we now tend to use the arithmetic mean compared to the median (or even the midrange – have you heard about that before?). This is a great example of why we should be teaching science history along with science. Science, no matter how “unbiased”, does not exist in a vacuum. It’s full of fights lost and won, skewed cultural perceptions, and a strong insistence on […]

Startup Resources

I was listening to a podcast the other day and the guest speaker talked about his journey from being a super introvert (with low physical appearance self-esteem also) to running huge sales and marketing companies. He became a very successful sales person through what he calls introverted sales. He said he learnt it all on youtube from Brian Tracy. I started watching the videos and I wished I found out about them 10 years ago! Learning to do sales was […]

“Not This”

This was on Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook page. For some reason it was deleted after a day. But I really liked it and so I’m posting it here as a reminder to my future self. “Dear Ones –   Most of us, at some point in our lives (unless we have done everything perfectly…which is: nobody) will have to face a terrible moment in which we realize that we have somehow ended up in the wrong place — or at least, […]

10 years of trying

She’s one of my favourite journalists and someone I met randomly on a trip to Rwanda back in 2009. I’ve been following her work since then. She posted this the other day and it’s such an inspiration and reminder to me that even she, as brilliant as she is, had to work so hard to finally land her dream job. (her name and identification info are erased for privacy reasons).

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