Summer goals 2010

Vancouver’s legendary beautiful summer is finally here. No more bipolar weather craziness! Hipp Hipp Hurra (as I learnt in Norway)!

This year, I fully intend on working hard and probably achieving the goals I set out. Especially since I’m only going to narrow down my goals so they ARE achievable (for once :P)

So here it goes…

1. Bike from home to UBC (or at least a similar distance) – I’m seriously going to start biking this summer and my ultimate goal is to bike the 17.6 km (according to Hey, you’ve gotta start small sometime!

2. Get a job. I don’t care what kind, I’m interested in everything from event coordination, research assistants, to working at a vegetarian restaurant. Keeping my fingers crossed for my interview yesterday!

3. Find an internship for September in a developing country (for the lack of a better word). Potential is high in Indonesia right now! Will know outcome soon.

4. Continue my food experiment and document it at least once a week. The problem I usually have is I forget (or lack motivation) to write things down!

5. Start a composter and few pots of edible plants on my balcony. Actually I’m thinking of volunteering at the local community garden…I need to go ask.

6. Read! Currently: Stuffed and Starved by Raj Patel. I’ve been wanting to read this since last May. Other books lined up: The Wisdom of Whores, The Big Necessity, Dead Aid.

7. Finish my economics video/prezi project. More details to come. It’s going to be awesome.

8. Enjoy Vancouver and time with good friends. Seeing that I’m probably going to fly off in September and that my parents are in Hong Kong, I might not be returning to this beautiful place for a while.

Eight’s a good number :) I’m going to stop here. I guess this is stuff in additional to what I normally have (e.g. Dollar Project), so awesomeness for the summer! Other stuff that I’m pondering if I should take on: getting more serious about digital photography, making my own website (or at least a much nicer version of my blog), writing for a project some friends and I started before called We Think We Think (, really try learning meditation (I found a cool website (…etc.

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