Category Archives: agriculture

Rainfed agriculture

I’m not a farmer. As ashamed as I am to admit that, I really don’t have much practical experience in farming, or really, even taking care of a garden on my own. My plants inside my house have mostly struggled valiantly to survive in the past. I might not be the opposite of a green thumb, but I’m pretty close, probably. Although I’ve spent most of my higher education learning about, and advocating for, different forms of sustainable agriculture, it […]

some thoughts

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while. Here are some thoughts I’ve had recently. I really want to take a soil management for agriculture class. I want to know how to conserve soil, how to know what kind of crops are good to plant where, how to build up the organic matter. A focus on soil quality is the basis of all kinds of sustainable farming practices. No soil, no food. It would also help me a lot in the […]

Urban Agriculture In Lusaka, Zambia

My first published paper in a peer-reviewed undergraduate journal: the Canadian Undergraduate Journal of Development Studies, also known as Undercurrent (Fall/Winter 2010, Volume 7, issue 3, p. 36-43) From Colonialism To Modernism To Postcolonialism: The Case of Urban Agriculture In Lusaka, Zambia By Tiffany Tong ABSTRACT – While urban agriculture is garnering much attention as an essential and beneficial practice, there is still strong, sometimes seemingly illogical, resistance to its promotion in cities. Through studying the case of Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, this paper […]

Ode to the cassava plant

I just had my favourite vegetable for lunch – kisamvu (cassava leaves). Plus maharage (beans) and ndizi moshi (bananas cooked Moshi style – Moshi is a region in northern Tanzania). Mmmm….I wish they had kisamvu more often. I also love how when they do serve it, they’re always worried that I won’t like it. Little do they know that it’s my favourite. It has such an indescribable taste…I swear they put some kind of special spice. I’m starting to think […]

The politics and economics behind urban agriculture (specifically land tenure and zoning issues) are so complicated that it’s getting me really excited. Well, it actually makes my job a bit harder, but then if it was an easy issue to be solved, it would have been solved already. One day, when I learn a little bit more, I will write a post about these complicated dynamics between individuals, organizations, and the physical environment.

Terry Talks 2008 – Tiffany Tong

The video of my Terry Talk from November 22, 2008 came out. Here it is! I would love to know what you think. Redefining boundaries: Urban Agriculture: Tiffany Tong from terrytalks on Vimeo. (sorry, I can figure out how to imbed the video onto the page…) Remember to check out all the other Terry Talk videos too!!

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