Category Archives: my research

Urban Agriculture In Lusaka, Zambia

My first published paper in a peer-reviewed undergraduate journal: the Canadian Undergraduate Journal of Development Studies, also known as Undercurrent (Fall/Winter 2010, Volume 7, issue 3, p. 36-43) From Colonialism To Modernism To Postcolonialism: The Case of Urban Agriculture In Lusaka, Zambia By Tiffany Tong ABSTRACT – While urban agriculture is garnering much attention as an essential and beneficial practice, there is still strong, sometimes seemingly illogical, resistance to its promotion in cities. Through studying the case of Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, this paper […]

Ideas for Graduate Studies Research #1

I’m mainly interested in the impacts of economic systems on marginalized communities. Most can agree that the capitalist system has failed to deliver its promises to the poorest of the poor in the drive for globalization.  In my perspective, the capitalist model is fundamentally incompatible in servicing the poor and must be systematically changed for more equitable and sustainable development. My question is thus divided into threefold: How is the current economic system (capitalist in paradigm, hybrid in theory, and […]

Science One measurement project

Here is my first ever measurement project I wrote a short paper for at UBC. As for the quality….just keep in mind it was my first such paper. All rights reserved. Title: Mapping the Echoes of the Echo Circle at Wyman Plaza Author: Tiffany Tong Abstract The echo properties of the Echo Circle at Wyman Plaza of the University of British Columbia were measured with two wooden sticks as a sound source and Audacity as the recording program. The results […]

wow…still dreaming

Hello blog, I think I’m still dreaming. I just woke up from a dream where I went to live in a village in rural Tanzania for two months. I remember lots of goats, people, and orphans. And wait, when I woke up, I found this on my computer… thesis Abstract Conducted for the Programme for Agricultural and Natural Resources Transformation for Improved Livelihoods (PANTIL), this research endeavour was aimed at improving upon a dairy goat project for orphans in the villages of Nyandira […]

My Research!

Hello blog, Off I go tomorrow for some dream-like work… research proposal

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