Tag Archives: corruption

Shades of “corruption”

I learned two new Kiswahili* words yesterday. Translated to English, they both mean corruption. Takrima and Rushwa. Google translate tells me they mean handouts and corruption respectively. In reality, they both have connotations of corruption, but with one crucial difference. Takrima can only be given and never asked for. Rushwa can be asked for. Takrima is like a gift you give to someone with the intention of asking them for a favour. Rushwa can go both ways – you can […]

Of money and projects

One group of farmers that I’ve been working with abused the funds we gave them for their project. Blatant stealing by the only two male group members out of 7. I won’t go into details. But there’s been a lot of complications and the big showdown is on Monday. I wonder how it’ll turn out. If you ask me, there were a lot of things wrong with how the project developed in the first place. But it still doesn’t make me feel […]

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