Tag Archives: education

Here’s a post to remind myself why I pursued work instead of studies: 1. I had a strong need to find out if what I was learning was actually happening on the ground. There were too many questions, too many conflicting messages, and too much certainty about such an uncertain world. 2. I knew I wanted to work in development/alternative economic systems, but I had no idea what I wanted to focus on for my graduate studies. I figured if […]

Response to Tiger Mom

You know, there was this huge debate online when the Tiger Mom article came out. “She’s right!” screamed one side. “She’s insane” rallied the other. I followed the debates like a little kid following the Magic School Bus – eyes glued and fascinated. I, quite obviously, lean to the side where parents shouldn’t be so stereotypically Asian. I would have given up ‘being a good kid’ a long time ago if I had been forced through Amy Chua’s regime. I have […]

My stomach is making strange noises….so I decided to stay in tonight. Plus I woke up at 5 am this morning, unable to fall back asleep… I was just re-reading an essay… Elie Wiesel made a similar point to the Global Forum in Moscow last winter when he said that the designers and perpetrators of the Holocaust were the heirs of Kant and Goethe. In most respects the Germans were the best educated people on Earth, but their education did […]

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