Tag Archives: elections

Why is it so hard to vote in the Canadian national elections abroad?! I don’t have an address you can mail me with. Not even a P.O. Box! Even by the time you send me my vote to my remote town, I won’t be able to vote anyways! Why can’t I just vote online?! Why is it so hard in this day and age? I should be thankful I have internet! Can you tell I’m really mad? If Stephen Harper […]

The Elections are Coming Up

The presidential elections are coming up this weekend in Tanzania. Everyone was expecting it to be fairly peaceful, but now there are rumours that there might be some conflicts on Sunday. The ruling party, called the CCM, has been in power ever since independence. Although no one expects the presidential position to be won by other parties, most people would tell me that there would be a shift towards more MPs from other parties. People are tired of the CCM. […]

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