Tag Archives: ethics

Essay: the corporation

Tiffany Tong April 7th, 2008 Evil or Necessary Evil? “Make a case for which “side” of the debate the film’s creators explicitly or implicitly adopt. Does the film succeed in offering enlightenment on some of the key issues involved in the debate? Why or why not?” In “The Corporation,” it is argued that corporations are inherently evil because they are legally a person, yet they have no moral conscience for its actions. I argue that corporations should retain the best […]

Essay: who is responsibile?

Who is Really Responsible for Those Who Are Unfortunate? Tiffany Tong February 11th, 2007 In this essay, I will argue that a mandatory, single-tier healthcare system in a well-off country is morally incorrect because citizens should have the right to purchase alternative healthcare services if desired. Although I believe that every citizen should have a positive right to adequate healthcare relative to the prosperity of their country (Daniels, 2003), I also accept that citizens should have the freedom to spend […]

Essay: Animal Ethics

Animal Ethics By Tiffany Tong Peter Singer is right in arguing that sentient animals should be treated ethically, although I disagree with where he draws the lines between sentient animals and those that may not be. I mostly agree with his explanation of why sentience equals to rights, why rights require ethical treatment from humans, and what kind of treatment is warranted. Singer’s argument is that the basis for having rights, or the criterion for having an interest, is whether […]

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