Tag Archives: experiment

Food experiment: Chapati

Here’s my first attempt: chapati! I loved these so much in Tanzania that I requested to have them for breakfast everyday. The recipe I followed didn’t turn out exactly as I had them in East Africa, but it’s close enough that I’m really, really happy. I made around 8 of them (they’re really filling) and put them in the fridge so I can just take them out and put them in the pan for an easy meal. I even took […]

Proposed Experiment

Proposed experiment: Not buy food that I can make I guess as an attempt get my life back into a little bit of a routine (or as some say, re-entry shock), I am formally proposing this experiment. Why? Well, 1) I study food systems, and to say the truth, supermarkets and their “illusion of a million products which are actually all made from the same things” mentality disgust me right now (especially after living for a while where all the […]

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