Tag Archives: food

Finally, home.

I finally started cooking at home again. It’s such a satisfying feeling. On Sunday, I went shopping at the local market with the girl, Lucy, who helps clean my house, wash my clothes, and used to bring me food everyday (I sound like I’m 10 years old now). I bought all kinds of veggies, green bananas (matooke), beans, and corn flour (posho/ugali). I also bought two aluminium pots, although I already have 5 different pots and 3 pans at home […]

Ode to the cassava plant

I just had my favourite vegetable for lunch – kisamvu (cassava leaves). Plus maharage (beans) and ndizi moshi (bananas cooked Moshi style – Moshi is a region in northern Tanzania). Mmmm….I wish they had kisamvu more often. I also love how when they do serve it, they’re always worried that I won’t like it. Little do they know that it’s my favourite. It has such an indescribable taste…I swear they put some kind of special spice. I’m starting to think […]

Food experiment: Risgrøt

Risgrøt (risengrynsgrøt (with raisins) or riskrem (with cream/whipped cream)) is Norwegian rice pudding. Probably my favourite from the Norwegian foods I’ve tried (a close second would be brown cheese). Ris=rice and grøt I guess is the pudding (:P). Grøt is pronounced similar to “grert”. It’s a traditional Christmas dish with lots of variations. You can make it with sour cream or mix in whipped cream to make a cold dessert etc. I only learnt to make it the most basic […]

Food experiment: Chapati

Here’s my first attempt: chapati! I loved these so much in Tanzania that I requested to have them for breakfast everyday. The recipe I followed didn’t turn out exactly as I had them in East Africa, but it’s close enough that I’m really, really happy. I made around 8 of them (they’re really filling) and put them in the fridge so I can just take them out and put them in the pan for an easy meal. I even took […]

Proposed Experiment

Proposed experiment: Not buy food that I can make I guess as an attempt get my life back into a little bit of a routine (or as some say, re-entry shock), I am formally proposing this experiment. Why? Well, 1) I study food systems, and to say the truth, supermarkets and their “illusion of a million products which are actually all made from the same things” mentality disgust me right now (especially after living for a while where all the […]

Terry Talks 2008 – Tiffany Tong

The video of my Terry Talk from November 22, 2008 came out. Here it is! I would love to know what you think. Redefining boundaries: Urban Agriculture: Tiffany Tong from terrytalks on Vimeo. (sorry, I can figure out how to imbed the video onto the page…) Remember to check out all the other Terry Talk videos too!!

Food is Fundamental

The Student Environment Centre (SEC) and Friends of the UBC Farm (FotF) are thrilled to be hosting a conference from September 23rd to 27th entitled “Food is Fundamental“. The conference is being held to educate, discuss and take action on pressing food issues that concern people, the environment, and the economy both locally and globally. We also aim to bring attention to the development plans at the UBC Farm: what are we gaining and what are we losing? What value […]

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