Tag Archives: graduation

When I entered and when I am leaving

I recently came across a certain document that made me red in the face and nostalgic….my letter of intent when I applied to GRS (Global Resource Systems, my bachelors of science at UBC). Red in the face because of all the big words and cheesy cliches I managed to stuff into this 500 word letter. Nostalgic because I recently had the honour of being student speaker at my graduation convocation, and I had to craft a very similar speech…So for your amusement and enjoyment, I’m going to post both of these writings/speech. Also as a reminder for myself 5 years down the road.

Summer goals 2010

Vancouver’s legendary beautiful summer is finally here. No more bipolar weather craziness! Hipp Hipp Hurra (as I learnt in Norway)! This year, I fully intend on working hard and probably achieving the goals I set out. Especially since I’m only going to narrow down my goals so they ARE achievable (for once :P) So here it goes… 1. Bike from home to UBC (or at least a similar distance) – I’m seriously going to start biking this summer and my […]

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