Tag Archives: parents

Health is always more important than work. Family is always more important than work. I’ve always understood it intellectually. Today it really hit home. My father has all the pre-cursor indicators of  liver cancer, unless the treatment for hepatitis C, which has a 50% success rate, works. He’s probably going to go through with the treatment –  a year of weekly injections that is going to make him feel sick all the time. We had a long internet chat today. […]

Moving, again.

I’m moving to eastern Uganda tomorrow for a new job. Very excited. Very nervous. Very sad to be leaving everyone and everything Dar. I actually had a choice to stay in Dar with an organization that I felt I could learn a lot from. Ultimately, though, I chose to move despite all the contrary feelings because, rationally, this new job sounded more in tune with what I was seeking. I still don’t know if this is the right choice. No […]

not yet ready for grad school

I was trying to find something in my email and I came across this little gem…a heated exchange between my parents and I: i am not going to masters immediately because 1) I have had enough of only studying, I need some real life experience to motivate me to study more. 2) I don’t really know which field within development I want to focus on. It would be useless of me to go do a masters without really knowing what […]

I debated for a while if I should share this (though most of you probably can’t read it). I always tear up when I read it. Dear Tiffany, 今天花了差不多二小時看完你的網頁 (有很多生字還未查字典,所以要靠估) 才知道你去挪威的旅途上遇到那麼多阻礙 多謝老天爺的保佑你終於可以平安到達 又知道你這幾天認識了不少新朋友 本來埋怨為什麼不遲幾天才起程 但回心一想這也是值得的 因為開課後大家都會很忙 或者沒有那麼多時間來溝通 朋友間的話題可以很廣闊 但涉及宗教政治、極端主意思想的話題時 便要很小心去處理和回答 因為大家還不大認識對方 希望你像一條經得起風浪的小船 今天離開避風塘到外面的海洋遊歷 更希望你能滿載著寶貴的知識、豐富的經歷 和愉快的回憶回來 雖然我再不能幫你煮食、洗衣、做家務 來節省你讀書和休息的時間 但你要小心照顧自己的健康,注意飲食和休息 爸爸和我永遠都會支持你 永遠都是你最忠實的 Fans 如果小船需要補給糧餉、外面遇到翻大風浪 或者維修再整裝待發 歡迎小船任何時候回航 爸爸和我在避風塘等你和祝福你 Love you and miss you so much Mom Mom, Dad…because of you, I can do anything.

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