Tag Archives: work

I can’t believe it’s been a month since I’ve blogged here. It’s been so busy at work the last month that my days are basically work, eat, sleep. Rinse and repeat. I’m also spending a lot of time looking into scholarships to apply, since I’m thinking of going to grad school next year or maybe the year after that. I’m a bit ashamed that I haven’t been able to write down what I’ve learned at work (and in life) this […]

In a place where the law doesn’t work, it’s always those who are powerless who are affected. *** I remember my last night in Dar es Salaam. I was out at a pub with a few friends, enjoying my last Tanzanian beer. Somehow, in my semi-tipsy state, I got into an argument with a Tanzanian guy whose family runs big business up in the north. He was a typical libertarian – everyone for themselves. Only difference was that he didn’t […]


Someone should do a study on why farmers are side-selling in our scheme (and probably other schemes). Please. I would help fund your research to lessen my every day growing headache. (I’ll write more about what is happening soon.)

Rainfed agriculture

I’m not a farmer. As ashamed as I am to admit that, I really don’t have much practical experience in farming, or really, even taking care of a garden on my own. My plants inside my house have mostly struggled valiantly to survive in the past. I might not be the opposite of a green thumb, but I’m pretty close, probably. Although I’ve spent most of my higher education learning about, and advocating for, different forms of sustainable agriculture, it […]

Work really isn’t about work. It’s about managing human relationships. Now why do they pretend work is only work in school all through my education? I’m in a bit of a crazy situation at work right now. It’s all about how to get through this with a good balance in my human relationships.

Another kind of field cred

Normally, when I think about field cred, it’s about one-upping each other on “exotic” and dangerous situations with fellow expats. It’s not an activity I particularly enjoy, although I must admit I like listening to all the stories. Generally, though, the one-upping just becomes ridiculous; I lose interest quickly when it becomes a bitching-fest. Recently, I realised that “field cred” also works with my field officers. They’re Ugandan and have lived in the rural areas and the capital. They’ve seen […]

A Farmer

One of the farm leaders I work with is a big shot. She’s an old, old lady. Short and chubby. The first time I met her, she was wearing a fluffy, pink sweater and a wool hat covering her ears. The outer rims of her eyes are sky blue. Everyone from my company suspects she stole over 1000 to 2000 bags of fertilizer from her group members. And she’s probably still stealing, after being taken to the police and detained. […]

Here’s a post to remind myself why I pursued work instead of studies: 1. I had a strong need to find out if what I was learning was actually happening on the ground. There were too many questions, too many conflicting messages, and too much certainty about such an uncertain world. 2. I knew I wanted to work in development/alternative economic systems, but I had no idea what I wanted to focus on for my graduate studies. I figured if […]

My supervisors came for a brief visit the last few days. I learnt a few lessons: 1. Always be clear of the boundaries of what is our responsibility and what are the responsibilities of others. Be very clear and sign MOUs. 2. We are similar to a consultant that works for the farmers. They are our clients and always will be. We need to ‘manage’ the other stakeholders to make sure the farmers get a fair deal. 3. Never lose […]

My supervisors came to the field for two days. It was so nice to be with them. I feel totally recharged and supported. Now I’m ready to take on (*cough* cooperate *cough*) those people again.

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