An Underwear Affair

Sometimes opportunities for a successful business exist in the most unexpected places. This was indeed true for lingerie company La Vie en Rose, which initiated a prosperous expansion in Saudi Arabia, a country where sexuality in women is usually severely restricted. The company was able to look beyond the cultural stereotype of the area and recognize that women in the Middle East were beginning to embrace their feminine side. They took advantage and opened 28 stores across three Middle Eastern countries.

Businesses need to be innovative like La Vie en Rose in order to succeed; the world is a constantly changing place and a company needs to be able to look beyond stereotypes to find a new niche in the market. As we learned in class, an effective way to position a brand is to grab an unoccupied position in a major segment.

As expected, the company has faced challenges associated with cultural differences, but by being flexible and altering parts of its branding, the company has been successful in Saudi Arabia: their overseas earnings now make up 20% of its total profits. Because of its success in the Middle East, the company plans to expand to 10 new countries by 2013.

Works Cited:

Chapin, Angeline. “Undercover Economy.” Canadian Business. N.p., 8 Sept. 2011. Web. 3 Oct. 2011. <–undercover-economy–page1>.

Chapin, Angelina. “Female Lingerie Clerks: Progress in the Middle East.” Canadian Business. N.p., 20 Sept. 2011. Web. 3 Oct. 2011. <–female-lingerie-clerks-progress-in-the-middle-east>.


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