Insight on HTC’s Massive Decline in Profit

Fellow student and friend Miguel Estrela recently posted a very informative summary of and response to an article charting the events surrounding HTC, a major player in the mobile phone market, see a staggering 79% loss in profit. He did a very good job of not only summarizing the content of the article, but also drawing connection to an article that had been previously assigned for class reading in which the same company was said to be thriving.  Mere months fell between the two reports, but the company had suffered a devastating blow to its earnings. He appropriately noted how fickle the demand for products like smartphones can be, as well as referencing the constant need for a technology-based company to be able to adjust to the mercurial nature of the market’s demand. I found the connections made in the article, particularly the reference to the older article, to be well-formulated and adept in establishing an air of relevance to both class material as well as the topical subject at hand.

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