Cheap, eco-friendly fuel on the horizon?

Not a day goes by where we can avoid complaints about the astronomical price of gasoline. However, if Cool Planet Energy Systems has their way, these complaints will soon be absent from water-cooler chatter and casual conversation. The company has developed a biofuel that is not only results in a 150% reduction of one’s carbon footprint, but is already compatible with the existing engines of consumer vehicles. To begin their venture into the business of eco-friendly fuel, they will begin by building a large number of small refineries, each capable of turning out 10 million gallons of the biofuel. In what seems to be the deepest shade of green in technology seen to date, the process of production uses non-food crops and agricultural waste in such a way that carbon dioxide is actually removed from the atmosphere. However, this product would not be catered to just the very environmentally-conscious; the article estimates that the consumer cost of such a fuel would be about $1.50 per gallon, or roughly 40 cents per litre. The incentive to go green would be immense, if nothing else but for selfish cost-saving reasons. However, I feel the biggest benefit would be the ability for industry applications. If this fuel can take off, as it seems well-equipped to do, its potential for use in everything from industry production to transport could be almost infinite. With major financial backing from major firms like  Google and BP, watch for Cool Planet to make headlines for more than one reason in the next decade.

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