Category Archives: Uncategorized

Marketing Video Assignment Reflection

Having never been part of a video production before, I was intrigued when I learned of the final project in Comm 296. It was an interesting take on what would normally be a formal presentation: suits, standing nervously in front of … Continue reading

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A New Era of Home-Delivery Services?

Of the 4P’s of marketing – Product, Promotion, Price, and Place – perhaps the greatest change over the last two decades has been to Place. Getting products to the right place at the right time to be purchased or collected … Continue reading

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Electronic Arts and the Ethics of Marketing Hockey Fights

   Preceding the September 10th release of NHL 14, the newest edition of the Electronic Arts award-winning NHL video game series, the company bombarded the internet with videos and developer blogs detailing the features that would vault this version above the previous … Continue reading

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Is Save On Meats the First of Many for the Downtown Eastside?

In the first class lecture centred on social enterprise, one of the examples used was Save On Meats and the positive social benefit its delivered to Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside region. A recent article in the Globe and Mail highlighted the company and … Continue reading

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Social Media Parallels Between Politics and Business

A recent blog entry posted by classmate Justin Khera draws a strong connection between the use of social media channels by both the Democrats and Republicans in the United States Presidential election and similar techniques that have been used in … Continue reading

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Cheap, eco-friendly fuel on the horizon?

Not a day goes by where we can avoid complaints about the astronomical price of gasoline. However, if Cool Planet Energy Systems has their way, these complaints will soon be absent from water-cooler chatter and casual conversation. The company has … Continue reading

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“Get-Rich Fever” has Stricken Many BC Condo Buyers

A recent blog post by Tony Wanless (CEO of Knowpreneur Consultants), analyzes the recent trend of investment in condominiums for the purpose of renting the properties. He notes that a massive influx of amateur investors into the condominium market has … Continue reading

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Insight on HTC’s Massive Decline in Profit

Fellow student and friend Miguel Estrela recently posted a very informative summary of and response to an article charting the events surrounding HTC, a major player in the mobile phone market, see a staggering 79% loss in profit. He did a very … Continue reading

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Interest Rates on U.S. Government Bonds Set to Fall Below Zero

The United States is close to joining many European nations in what is a rather unsavoury designation: having negative interest rates on standard two-year government bonds. The political strategies that are in place to provide buoyancy to the interest rates … Continue reading

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McDonald’s Responds to Twitter Marketing Gaffe

Earlier this year, McDonald’s Corp. experienced a resounding failure in its Twitter marketing campaign, “#McDStories.” Instead of seeing a flood of responses from satisfied customers sharing their favourite experiences with the fast-food chain, the firm would see a series of consumer horror stories ranging … Continue reading

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