Monthly Archives: February 2011
Marketing Post #5: Tweets, Love and Consumer Behavior
The day has come: A blog post that is not about photography! I was recently going down the list of “Top 42 Content Marketing Blogs” and I stumbled across Brian Solin’s ‘Defining the Convergence of Media and Influence’ blog. After taking a quick … Continue reading
Marketing Post #4: Sandals Jamaica and Tic-Tac-Toe.
Welcome back to my blog! Disclaimer: Yes, this is yet another marketing post about photography, that’s just the way the blog functions! But wait, don’t worry, this time I will not be advertising any brands/stores/cameras or people! Instead, this post … Continue reading
Marketing Post #3: The ‘Photographers’ Process
In the interest of reader-appreciation, I find that it is time for a post that is not as intensely Nikon-related as the previous ones. In that spirit, the following 280-odd words will attempt to move the ‘consumer decision making process’ … Continue reading