Marketing Post #6: Nikon Sings to Sell

Recently, Pierre Schifflers decided to write his blog post about a Nikon advertisement. Naturally, the beautiful construction and elegant ‘N I K O N’ stood out to me immediately and I pounced on his blog. Upon having read his post, I decided to reply to his statement that “Nikon tried to make an advertisement that was appealing both visually and aurally, however…this advertisement was amazingly successful for Radical Face, for Nikon, not so much”.

First of all, I must agree with Pierre, the advertisement certainly promotes the band ‘Radical Face’. The abundance of YouTube comments clearly illustrates this. The soundtrack to the advertisement is very pleasant to listen to, and it plays a large role in the overall appeal of the advertisement. However, I do not consider this to solely be a success for the band and a failure for Nikon. Pierre does not provide enough evidence to support that this advertisement was a failure.

Radical Face _ Promoted By Nikon : Source:

Yes, Nikon did promote this band, but in doing so it created a very effective advertisement. The COOLPix S3000 product (the camera promoted in this advertisement) has been a top-seller for Nikon, and hence it becomes apparent that it was advertised adequately. I feel that the background song to this specific advertisement is not its primary strength everywhere in the world. Let me explain, I believe that the song was probably the main strength in North American markets, but the appearance of Robbie Williams must have proven to be a selling point to many Europeans. Robbie Williams is considered one of the most famous musicians to ever come from Europe, quickly reaching international fame with his songs ‘Angels’ and more recently ‘Bodies’. However, due to some irresponsible comments, Robbie was denied access into the American market, a market he would most likely have conquered.

Robbie Williams Picture in Nikon's Advertisements

Now what does Robbie Williams have to do with Radical Face and Nikon? Geographic and demographic segmentation. By using Robbie Williams, Nikon reaches out to an older age demographic in Europe that grew up with Robbie William’s songs. Simultaneously, the catchy music appeals to a younger, more modern demographic.

In conclusion:

– Yes Nikon promoted ‘Radical Face’

– Yes Nikon created a great advertisement

– No Nikon did not do a bad job with this advertisement

– Though this ad was beneficial for the band, Nikon was capable of reaching a wide demographic and hence successfully promoting its product.

– “Nikon succeeded in making an advertisement that was appealing both visually and aurally, however…this advertisement was also amazingly successful for Radical Face,  as well as  Nikon”.

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