I am a second-years Commerce student at the Sauder School of Business (University of British Columbia), majoring in either Marketing or Finance (undecided). I have lived in 5 countries (Netherlands, Oman, U.S., India, Canada), and I love travelling the globe. I speak Dutch, English, and I could most probably survive in any Spanish speaking country.
I have a passion for photography, which I hope to soon use in a way that allows me to help others. Aside from that, some more facts about me include: I enjoy writing, I am a believer, I have travelled to over 30 countries, I have friends living on all continents (except Antartica!), and I love sports (Taekwon-Do, Basketball, Football, Badminton)
In case you want to know more about me or my photography, ask me!
Photography Website: http://jpgmag.com/people/TimB91
Photography With: Isotope Advertising (http://www.isotopeadvertising.com/)