Author Archives: timblonk
Marketing Post #10: All You Need is a Fro.
One of the central goals of marketing is to inform consumers about the product or service offered. Many modern photographers struggle with this aspect of their business as it has become relatively easy for any amateur to buy a high-end … Continue reading
Marketing Post #9: Taylor Swift Needs to Breathe.
Welcome back to my blog! This week I am switching things up a little bit, and instead of talking about cameras/etc. I will be talking about music for a change! Now, I have to be honest, Journey’s ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ is … Continue reading
Marketing Post#8: Match the Price. Or go Bankrupt.
I must be honest, I would have loved to write a blog post about the horrible creation that is: Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’. Potentially the worst pop song to have ever gone viral. However, with such a large number of people … Continue reading
Marketing Post #7: Late-Night Ramblings
Disclaimer: It’s 2 AM and I am watching live BBC coverage of the tsunami to hit Japan. This will be a short post. I was recently hunting down the blogs of my marketing group members and I stumbled upon Ali Birston’s blog … Continue reading
Marketing Post #6: Nikon Sings to Sell
Recently, Pierre Schifflers decided to write his blog post about a Nikon advertisement. Naturally, the beautiful construction and elegant ‘N I K O N’ stood out to me immediately and I pounced on his blog. Upon having read his post, I … Continue reading
Marketing Post #5: Tweets, Love and Consumer Behavior
The day has come: A blog post that is not about photography! I was recently going down the list of “Top 42 Content Marketing Blogs” and I stumbled across Brian Solin’s ‘Defining the Convergence of Media and Influence’ blog. After taking a quick … Continue reading
Marketing Post #4: Sandals Jamaica and Tic-Tac-Toe.
Welcome back to my blog! Disclaimer: Yes, this is yet another marketing post about photography, that’s just the way the blog functions! But wait, don’t worry, this time I will not be advertising any brands/stores/cameras or people! Instead, this post … Continue reading
Marketing Post #3: The ‘Photographers’ Process
In the interest of reader-appreciation, I find that it is time for a post that is not as intensely Nikon-related as the previous ones. In that spirit, the following 280-odd words will attempt to move the ‘consumer decision making process’ … Continue reading
Marketing Post #2: Ashton Kutcher Sells PhDs
In order to expand on my previous post, I will discuss some of the means by which Nikon strives to maintain its current market share and consumer base. Through a series of marketing campaigns, Nikon is successfully advertising its products to … Continue reading
Marketing Post #1: Barbed Wire and Marketing
Hi everyone, welcome to my blog! In February of 2010 I bought my first DSLR camera (a Nikon D5000, often referred to by others as ‘Tim’s Child’), since then, many people have started identifying me as ‘that Nikon guy’, photo-Blonk’ or … Continue reading