Samsung Electronics Co. has had allegations put forward saying that one of their suppliers is using child labour. Samsung had investigated the accusation but found no evidence of child labour being used, instead found malpractice. These derelictions included: overworking and potentially unsafe working conditions for the employees at HEG, Samsung’s supplier. Samsung has demanded that these problems be fixed or Samsung will sever all business with HEG and find a suitable manufacturer who will adhere to all laws. The main ethical issue in this case is that companies who do not adhere to working laws, especially those who will use that to save on production costs. Samsung, fortunately, did the right thing after these allegations were made and thoroughly investigated it, fortunately they did not find child labour but other unsafe practices. It is too often seen in the news that major corporations try to take the cheaper, but unethical route, to save a couple dollars on production costs and to maximize profits. This can also be applied to any business, and not just child labour, where companies take the easier and cheaper route, while they sacrifice the safety of the employee and the consumer.