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RIM BlackBerry

As I look around now at all my friends, the number of blackberry’s has dropped significantly and have been replaced with either an Iphone or an Android. This change in the market of phones has only been over the past few years to say the least, showing that RIM really dropped the ball in being able to give up so much market share in a matter of years. RIM’s failure has been attributed to many reasons but as I delved deeper and deeper into the issue it revolved around 2 major reasons, management and lack of innovation. Prior to RIM’s recent change in management, they were running a co-CEO business where two men held the power to executive decisions, this had lead to a series of wrong decisions and also inability to make one decisive choice and instead have to compromise in the middle. With the co-CEO idea there is also the lack of motivation that was portrayed by the two CEO’s especially during times of the service outage and other stressful times. Another major cause to the failure of RIM was their lack of innovation, not being able to keep up with the new technology on the market. For example, to compare the Blackberry to the Iphone 5 or even the Galaxy S3 the specs destroy the Blackberry. Not to mention the thousands of apps that are available for Android and Iphone but not available for the Blackberry. Those two main reasons amongst many other smaller but still influential reasons are the causes as to why Blackberry has fallen to this low point right now, and will continue to sink even lower.–how-management-has-failed-at-rim

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