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Redbull is pushing the limits of where man can go and putting their slogan “Redbull gives you wings” to the test. Redbull dropped a man, Felix Baumgartner, from the edge of space hurtling down to earth at speeds faster than 800 miles per hour. Felix has now become a household name all around the world as the man who fell from space. Did Redbull do this to take a man to the edge of space or was there a greater purpose in this whole thing? In my opinion, Redbull did this whole stunt solely for the marketing. On top of the 8 million who watched live, there were tens even hundreds of millions who either watched it later, saw it on the news, or heard their friends talking about it. It cost Redbull several million dollars, salaries for 40 engineers, equipment costs, and any extras needed. The expected marketing that Redbull got from the event was estimated to be the equivalent of tens of millions of dollars. Redbull has now put its name out there for tens of millions of people, displaying their product, and making Redbull synonymous with Felix Baumgartner’s. This has also put Redbull into a prime position to be the face of skydiving and any other extreme sports. Redbull has made the appropriate move to make its name homogeneous with a scientific breakthrough for the world.–abc-news-money.html

RedBull Gives you Wings

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