Tim (Tik Hang) Cheung's Blog

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Archive for April, 2012

Rise of Mobile Advertising

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Mobile advertising has been growing rapidly, Google estimates by 2016, their mobile advertising will generate over $20 billion, while Facebook has recently embraced mobile advertising as well. Compared to mobile advertising, direct mail can’t give the level of personalization nor could it give companies an environmentally friendly image. Mobile advertising has all the benefits that direct mail advertising has, but it is much more immediate and personalized while being cheaper. However, what might impede mobile advertising is the “creepiness” factor of personalized advertising. As I mentioned in my previous blog post, many people are not happy with Google’s change in privacy policy. As this distrust between consumers and data collectiong business exist, the potential of internet advertising, including mobile advertising, will not be fully realized. Moreover, as electronic advertising continues to rise, I thought that physical mediums of advertising would quickly decline. However as Justin’s post on Telus’ direct mail campaigns showed, direct mail advertising is still strong. In fact, spending on it is growing in Canada. It shows that electronic mediums, still could not replace the tangibility and persuasiveness of physical ones.

Written by timcheung

April 2nd, 2012 at 1:03 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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