Apple Watch vs. Swiss Watch

Three weeks ago, Apple Inc. released its first smart watch, the Apple Watch®. And it has been said that the Swiss Watch may get affected. But in this article, Mr. Ryan Raffaelli holds the belief that Apple Watch doesn’t pose any threat to the Swiss Watch, and gives three reasons:

First, the Apple Watch makes wearing a watch relevant to a new generation of future watch collectors.

Second, the Apple Watch is likely to be a complement rather than a competitor to the Swiss watch.

Third, Apple and Swiss watchmakers have this in common: they are deeply committed to connecting their product with the consumer on a personal level.

I  agree with the reasons above to some extent. Nevertheless, in my opinion, I got a reason why Apple Watch does challenge the Swiss Watch: the practical value of Apple Watch weighs much more than the collection value of Swiss Watch. The current society is a place where practice is paid more attention to. To Apple Watch, it can be used to answer and make phone calls, send messages, find locations, stay healthy etc.  On the contrary, Swiss Watch is only one of the collections in th shelf of an old collector. The value of the Swiss Watch is only embodied in its ancient requtation and its symbol of status. The only use of a Swiss Watch is a timekeeper.

Swiss watch is indeed a classic watch brand, but nowadays, it is practical utility that counts.

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