First Nation Impacts Taseko’s Gold-copper Mine Project as an External Factor

There is plenty of mineral resources in Chilcotin where is the territory of the First Nation. So many corporations plan to set up some mining projects there, one of which is the Taseko’s gold-copper mine project. This project is quite controversial. Some of the people there approve exploiting the mine, whereas others oppose this for thier sovereign territory . The First Nation does impact the project, but I think it does good to the native people.

Admittedly, running the project will unevitably use some of there territory. They declare Chilcotin as their “sovereign territory“. It is understandable that they want to protect their land form being voilated. But there are advantages exploiting the mine. At first, the gold-copper mine is a kind of natural resources. If it isn’t digged out and turns into product, the mine will not realize its value. In other words, the mine will be lying there as nothing. Secondly, the project can bring them with numerous jobs. And then the employment rate goes up, which means the aboriginals can make a living by working for the project rather than hunting in forests. In addition to jobs, the project can also bring tourist, which is also a way to earn money.

To conclude, although the gold-mine project is affected by First Nation, the project can indeed give the dwellers some material comforts.

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