Roadblocks for Entrepreneurs

The BusinessInsider published a very interesting article dealing with challenges that entrepreneurs face not before the start-up but once their company actually grows and affairs become too large to be controlled and overseen by the founder.

The author of the article quotes Verne Harnish (founder and CEO of Gazelles, a strategic planning consulting company) who states that entrepreneurs may reach a point where they want to return to

“just them and their assistant working out of a garage…”

When our two guest lecturers Amielle Lake and Eric Carlson told their stories and asked us to think about whether we would like to start our own business in the future, they enquired into the abilities required to be a successful entrepreneur. Apart from the classics such as creativity and a desire to “get things done”, the article above states that one must also be able to “let go of things”. Personally, I know that this would not be easy for me at all. I like to make sure that things are done they way they should be and I find it hard to let others do tasks if I do not trust them or cannot make sure they are done properly.

But who knows? Maybe one day I will find myself creating my own company, following a vision, and eventually being able to let go of things, capable of saying that I am satisfied with what I have done:

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