Reflection – Marketing Plan Assignments

This is a reflective blogpost regarding the marketing plan assignments and the team video.

We did a good job delivering the third part of our assignment, namely the marketing video that was designed to explain our recommendations regarding an improved marketing mix for our chosen product, the Tata Nano. We started our work early, our brainstorming sessions were productive, and our final plan for the video was well balanced: three different elements, one of them a timelapse of the Lions Gate Bridge (filmed by Alexander and I), the main part being whiteboard drawings (drawn by Hye-Won and Julie), and the last part being short interviews to make the video more entertaining. Daniel and Simon did some work writing the script, and I did most of the editing for the final video.

Looking back at the work we’ve done, I feel that it was definitely the right decision to choose a company we knew nothing about – Tata Motors. It was refreshing to work together on such interesting articles (who would’ve thought that they sold a car that suddenly goes on fire?). Our team had a fun time together, and even though some of the workload might have been uneven (I did spend a lot of time on the project, but I am the only one to blame for that..), I feel that we all contributed a lot to our final result. Our conclusions are all valid and I would not be surprised to see Tata following some of the recommendations we came up with, albeit not because of us but rather because they really make sense. Rebranding the Nano was experimental, but highly interesting from a marketing standpoint. The only thing I would change is perhaps the focus on a specific target segment. Giving us more freedom in choosing what to focus on for the marketing mix would have made the project even more interesting.

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