Case Methods (Notes)

All cases should be approached by following these three steps: (thanks Frankie for this info)

  1. identifying the underlying issues that the business may face (these can be in the form of important decisions, or problems that managers have to solve),
  2. analyzing the causes of the above-mentioned issues and attempting to reach a solution for the most important ones,
  3. summarizing a recommendation or recommended strategy to cope with the issues.

In COMM101, the first step would be to skim through the case – the first and last page are usually good indicators for the key problems the case is focused on. They also provide a first look at the key decision in the case. Our first case (lululemon) had as its key decision a choice between expanding geographically and expanding the product line-up. Such a key decision is the main focus of the case and should also be the main focus of our answers.

A good strategy to get an overview over all issues is to list them all after a second read-through of the case. Subsequently, the issues can be ‘bucketed’ and overarching issues are to be identified. These can be further narrowed down to one large all-encompassing issue that is the focus of the case.

The actual analysis then consists of prioritizing the issues and finding arguments through pro/con comparisons, cause/effect diagrams, SWOT diagrams, financial analysis, etc. – remember, however, that you have to be selective and not everything should be included!

After this is done, a recommendation can be worded, in the form of advice and recalling the key decision that is to be made.

always remember – ‘my analysis shows…’ beats ‘I think…’

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