Author Archives: timmartiniak

Pricing of Apple’s iPad Mini (response to a Blogpost on

Andrew Hill on wrote a blogpost about one of Apple’s newest products: a mini version of the hugely successful iPad. His blogpost states that because the iPad Mini is not a huge innovation, by setting the price too high, … Continue reading

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Social Investment Banks

In our class on October 12th, Joanna Buczkowksa highlighted the importance of social entrepreneurship and enterprises for today’s society. How can we then make this so-called ‘third sector’ more appealing to new entrepreneurs? How can we facilitate success for new projects … Continue reading

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Further Analysis of Translink’s Compass (response to Janice Leung’s Blogpost)

Janice analysed and explained the benefits of TransLink’s new ticketing system Compass that is to be introduced in 2013 in her blogpost last month. Compass is a pay-as-you-go electronic card that can be charged and the fare is automatically deducted when checking … Continue reading

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Ethical Issues – Barclays plc

Barclays, one of Britain’s largest banks, was recently involved in one of the largest banking scandals in European history. They were fined over £290million because of manipulated interest rates that effectively made it more expensive for customers (this includes both … Continue reading

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Further Analysis of Nike’s Sneakers Pricing Policy (response to Ben Lee’s Blogpost)

This blogpost comments on Ben Lee’s blogpost #3 that dealt with continuously increasing prices for basketball shoes. Ben identified Nike’s strong perceived brand value as its PoD allowing Nike to retain sales despite raising prices. He argues that the demand for … Continue reading

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Case Methods (Notes)

All cases should be approached by following these three steps: (thanks Frankie for this info) identifying the underlying issues that the business may face (these can be in the form of important decisions, or problems that managers have to solve), … Continue reading

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Shift Happens

Everyone has heard it at least a thousand times – but there is a good reason for it to be reiterated over and over again: globalization and modernization are in the process of transforming the business environment. I attached an … Continue reading

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GSK Business Ethics

Glaxo Smith Kline – one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world – has certainly no interest in projecting a negative image onto its activities and operations. It certainly has no interest in acting against the law. Yet, they … Continue reading

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This UBC Blog is for COMM101 Section 104, Sept.-Dec. 2012

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