Category Archives: Uncategorized

Reflection – Marketing Plan Assignments

This is a reflective blogpost regarding the marketing plan assignments and the team video. We did a good job delivering the third part of our assignment, namely the marketing video that was designed to explain our recommendations regarding an improved … Continue reading

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The She-conomy

This blogpost comments on Sameena’s post about Gillette’s “What Women Want” marketing campaign. Despite running the risk of offending half of the human population, and acknowledging that this comes from a terrible male chauvinist standpoint (which does not at all … Continue reading

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This post comments on Lydia’s blogpost about Lowe’s social media marketing campaign. Lydia cleverly identified Lowe’s campaign as one of few highly successful marketing efforts in the world of social media. Lowe’s, America’s second-largest chain of home improvement (DIY) stores, … Continue reading

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LUSH Charity Pot

The Canadian British (sorry Vancouverites, but contrary to popular belief, they’re not from around here) cosmetics company Lush offers a wide range of body and hand lotions. One in particular, however, is noteworthy from a marketing standpoint: the Charity pot. … Continue reading

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Dumbphones – the smartest idea for Nokia

This post comments on a post found on the “influential marketing blog” by R. Bhargava. Who wouldn’t want to have a phone that has a battery life of… Yes, you’re right. Days. Not hours. Not minutes. Does that even work? Admittedly, … Continue reading

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Greenwashing Diesel?

This is the first post counting towards the course Commerce 296 – Introduction to Marketing. It is commonly accepted practice for companies to stretch the truth – and only very few do not engage in this behaviour – when advertising … Continue reading

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Carbon-Offsetting for a Clear Conscience

As part of a company’s CSR (corporate social responsibility) efforts, specifically in industries that have a heavy impact on our environment through greenhouse gas emissions, management has the opportunity to “offset” emissions, thereby becoming more environment-friendly. This is a huge … Continue reading

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Roadblocks for Entrepreneurs

The BusinessInsider published a very interesting article dealing with challenges that entrepreneurs face not before the start-up but once their company actually grows and affairs become too large to be controlled and overseen by the founder. The author of the article quotes … Continue reading

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BTM: Mobile Banking Apps

Nearly everyone I know has a bank account, and most people own a smartphone – and those brave enough use their smartphones to access their bank accounts! Banking apps have become an important part of everyday banking, revolutionizing the way … Continue reading

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What’s Finance?

(Notes from Oct.30) Financial markets allow a flow of capital from players that have a demand for money  and those that supply money. Investors supply capital to companies (or government, etc.). In between these two are financial institutions facilitating this … Continue reading

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