Apple needs to become more patriotic.

by Timofey Rybakov

There has been a lot of pressure put on Apple, because their products are made outside of the USA, mostly in China. A lot of people said that president Obama should challenge patriotism of corporations like Apple, as all they produce is made in China. Production outside of the country means that country is loosing jobs, instead of producing iPhones in the USA, Apple produces them in China. In fact there are more people hired by Apple in China, then in the US.

However Apple also supports production in the US, but it does not do it for several reasons. One of them are the costs – it is very expensive and hard to build a factory in the USA, compare to China. Former CEO Steve Jobs was an advocate for production in home country, but it is very hard financially and practically to produce in the US.
He argued that “there are not enough engineers to hire in country in order to support all workers on Apple’s factories”. The conditions created for the business must be more friendly, otherwise businesses will not support the government.

Apple might be right about production in the USA, it is expensive and almost impossible to do, however they still do not support the country by buying chips and other electronics from other American companies like Intel, instead they purchase it from Asian companies.

In order to succeed both government and businesses need to cooperate. Government should create healthy conditions for business development, and business should respond by producing inside the country in order to decrease unemployment and generate higher tax revenue for the government. There is a new factory built by Globalfoundries in the USA, and maybe Apple will become more supportive of country and will order parts necessary for its products from them.

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