The legend of Entrepreneurship

by Timofey Rybakov

In a response to Darren’s Blog Post I would like to say that I totally agree that Apple is one of the most legendary entrepreneur companies in the business history. The reason for it is the genius of Steve Jobs. He was the one who came up with idea which revolutionized the world. When Apple was organized, Jobs did not understand much in computers, but he perfectly understood what people wanted – that’s how one of the first personal computers was created.

Even when Steve Jobs left the company for a long time, he still was successful in being an entrepreneur, for example one of the World’s most famous animation studio Pixar is partly Steve’s creation.

It can be argued that Steve Jobs part in creating Apple is overestimated, because it was not actually him who built the computers, it was other Steve, Steve Wozniak, and there were many other people who made Apple successful.

However without a doubt Steve Jobs was the person who saved Apple from failure in 1990s, he was the one to make company one of the most successful companies in World.



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