Coca Cola and Marketing

by Timofey Rybakov

Coca-Cola has created a new can design in order to save polar bears as we know from Tim Lee’s Blog Post . Coca-Cola and marketing is very interesting topic, probably Coca-Cola is the company which can be considered to be a creator of modern marketing. Most of the marketing techniques and strategies companies use now where at some point used and pioneered by Coca-Cola. The change the way product looks like in order to encourage people to buy products for a good cause is very innovative and working technique. Coca Cola is creating an image of a socially responsible company, which helps create a stronger brand image.

However there are only 2 million dollars which would be donated by Coca-Cola in order to save polar bears. After seeing this number a serious question could be askedĀ  – “Is Coca-Cola doing it for a good cause, or just to create an image of socially responsible company?”

For me the answer is obvious, it is done in order to create an image of a good global citizen, rather than actually helping.

If Coca-Cola would have donated a significantly larger sum of money and launched the same campaign, it would have created what Coca-Cola was seeking for – good corporate image which was archived though innovative marketing campaign. Now I can only see desire to create a strong brand name, by not really doing anything significant.

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