Tips from “Small Business Trends”

by Timofey Rybakov

Managing Small Business is as hard as managing large corporation. People who own or manage small business are very different from people who manage large multinational corporations. It is really hard to imagine that CEO of a  huge company does not have proper business education, however it is very possible for people who manage small businesses to have a completely business unrelated education or have no degree at all. It is a common practice for large companies to hire other businesses – for example to do a market research, develop a marketing campaign, hire personnel.

Small Businesses can not enjoy this possibilities, that is why there are blogs as “Small Business Trends” which help owners or managers of small businesses to run effectively.This blog provides interesting tips for SB (Small Business), for example recently I came across a post by Lisa Barone, where she was talking about branding of small business. She provides number of questions which managers of SB should ask in order to brand the company appropriately. The questions cover topics as target market, competition, and business as a brand. Answering this question will help managers to create an effective strategy for the business.







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